We carry on allow the same schedule as before. After an exhillerating first day, there is always a bit of a let down in energy in the second. But we didnt let that affect out work. We read through the transcripts in the morning, then developed scenes & characters based on the transcripts. Once the scenes were developed & performed, I asked them to focus on the characters within the scenes. We did a physical charactre building exercise, then we hotseated the characters – getting them to sit in the chair and answer questions about themselves. This allows the actor to further develop the character he is working on. The results are wonderful – both funny and heartbreaking.
In working like this, you tend to work through the stereotyped characters before settling onto more nuanced ones. Although funny, the ones that get you are the simple quiet & determined characters. And we had all sorts of them – from a wheeling & dealing business man who can 'get you anything you want – from a new Nissan car engine to a tin of beans' all the while making ' a six figure salary' to a farm labouror who 'just needed to work to send money home' to a former MK foot soldier who was suffering from post tramatic stress disorder, was one helluva plumber, but didn't know his place in this new democracy of South Africa where the white men has had been shooting at were now his commanders. He had fought for liberation from, not compromise with the white man.
That evening, Tod & I stay late at the theatre to see the show, The Pen. Very nice – well acted, simply staged and effected. Plus not starting till 8.15pm and at one hour and 15 minutes, it gave us plenty of time between rehearsal & the performance to have a couple of ice cold Castles, which I justified as well deserved.
Masie met us after the play and drove us home. We have now graduated from mini buses to private cars. The socialist in me isn't happy, but my legs & bottom are....